package require sqlite3 package require Tk ############################################################################# # Code to set up scrollbars for widgets. This is generic, boring stuff. # namespace eval autoscroll { proc scrollable {widget path args} { ::ttk::frame $path set w [$widget ${path}.widget {*}$args] set vs [::ttk::scrollbar ${path}.vs] set hs [::ttk::scrollbar ${path}.hs -orient horizontal] grid $w -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid rowconfigure $path 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $path 0 -weight 1 set grid [list grid $vs -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsew] $w configure -yscrollcommand [list ::autoscroll::scrollcommand $grid $vs] $vs configure -command [list $w yview] set grid [list grid $hs -row 1 -column 0 -sticky nsew] $w configure -xscrollcommand [list ::autoscroll::scrollcommand $grid $hs] $hs configure -command [list $w xview] return $w } proc scrollcommand {grid sb args} { $sb set {*}$args set isRequired [expr {[lindex $args 0] != 0.0 || [lindex $args 1] != 1.0}] if {$isRequired && ![winfo ismapped $sb]} { {*}$grid } if {!$isRequired && [winfo ismapped $sb]} { grid forget $sb } } namespace export scrollable } namespace import ::autoscroll::* ############################################################################# proc populate_text_widget {db} { $::O(text) configure -state normal set id [lindex [$::O(tree) selection] 0] set frame [lindex $id end] set line [$db one {SELECT line FROM frame WHERE frame = $frame}] if {$line ne ""} { foreach {file line} [split $line :] {} set content [$db one "SELECT content FROM file WHERE name = '$file'"] $::O(text) delete 0.0 end set iLine 1 foreach L [split $content "\n"] { if {$iLine == $line} { $::O(text) insert end "$L\n" highlight } else { $::O(text) insert end "$L\n" } incr iLine } $::O(text) yview -pickplace ${line}.0 } $::O(text) configure -state disabled } proc populate_index {db} { $::O(text) configure -state normal $::O(text) delete 0.0 end $::O(text) insert end "\n\n" set L [format " % -40s%12s%12s\n" "Test Case" "Allocations" "Bytes"] $::O(text) insert end $L $::O(text) insert end " [string repeat - 64]\n" $db eval { SELECT 'TOTAL' AS ztest, sum(ncall) AS calls, sum(nbyte) AS bytes FROM malloc UNION ALL SELECT ztest AS ztest, sum(ncall) AS calls, sum(nbyte) AS bytes FROM malloc GROUP BY ztest ORDER BY 3 DESC } { set tags [list $ztest] if {$ztest eq $::O(current)} { lappend tags highlight } set L [format " % -40s%12s%12s\n" $ztest $calls $bytes] $::O(text) insert end $L $tags $::O(text) tag bind $ztest <1> [list populate_tree_widget $db $ztest] $::O(text) tag bind $ztest [list $::O(text) configure -cursor hand2] $::O(text) tag bind $ztest [list $::O(text) configure -cursor ""] } $::O(text) configure -state disabled } proc sort_tree_compare {iLeft iRight} { global O switch -- [expr (int($O(tree_sort)/2))] { 0 { set left [$O(tree) item $iLeft -text] set right [$O(tree) item $iRight -text] set res [string compare $left $right] } 1 { set left [lindex [$O(tree) item $iLeft -values] 0] set right [lindex [$O(tree) item $iRight -values] 0] set res [expr $left - $right] } 2 { set left [lindex [$O(tree) item $iLeft -values] 1] set right [lindex [$O(tree) item $iRight -values] 1] set res [expr $left - $right] } } if {$O(tree_sort)&0x01} { set res [expr -1 * $res] } return $res } proc sort_tree {iMode} { global O if {$O(tree_sort) == $iMode} { incr O(tree_sort) } else { set O(tree_sort) $iMode } set T $O(tree) set items [$T children {}] set items [lsort -command sort_tree_compare $items] for {set ii 0} {$ii < [llength $items]} {incr ii} { $T move [lindex $items $ii] {} $ii } } proc trim_frames {stack} { while {[info exists ::O(ignore.[lindex $stack 0])]} { set stack [lrange $stack 1 end] } return $stack } proc populate_tree_widget {db zTest} { $::O(tree) delete [$::O(tree) children {}] for {set ii 0} {$ii < 15} {incr ii} { $db eval { SELECT sum(ncall) AS calls, sum(nbyte) AS bytes, trim_frames(lrange(lstack, 0, $ii)) AS stack FROM malloc WHERE (zTest = $zTest OR $zTest = 'TOTAL') AND llength(lstack)>$ii GROUP BY stack HAVING stack != '' } { set parent_id [lrange $stack 0 end-1] set frame [lindex $stack end] set line [$db one {SELECT line FROM frame WHERE frame = $frame}] set line [lindex [split $line /] end] set v [list $calls $bytes] catch { $::O(tree) insert $parent_id end -id $stack -text $line -values $v } } } set ::O(current) $zTest populate_index $db } set O(tree_sort) 0 ::ttk::panedwindow .pan -orient horizontal set O(tree) [scrollable ::ttk::treeview .pan.tree] frame .pan.right set O(text) [scrollable text .pan.right.text] button .pan.right.index -command {populate_index mddb} -text "Show Index" pack .pan.right.index -side top -fill x pack .pan.right.text -fill both -expand true $O(text) tag configure highlight -background wheat $O(text) configure -wrap none -height 35 .pan add .pan.tree .pan add .pan.right $O(tree) configure -columns {calls bytes} $O(tree) heading #0 -text Line -anchor w -command {sort_tree 0} $O(tree) heading calls -text Calls -anchor w -command {sort_tree 2} $O(tree) heading bytes -text Bytes -anchor w -command {sort_tree 4} $O(tree) column #0 -width 150 $O(tree) column calls -width 100 $O(tree) column bytes -width 100 pack .pan -fill both -expand 1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Open the database containing the malloc data. The user specifies the # database to use by passing the file-name on the command line. # proc open_database {} { if {[info exists ::BUILTIN]} { sqlite3 mddb :memory: mddb eval $::BUILTIN wm title . $::argv0 } else { set zFilename [lindex $::argv 0] if {$zFilename eq ""} { set zFilename mallocs.sql } set fd [open $zFilename] set zHdr [read $fd 15] if {$zHdr eq "SQLite format 3"} { close $fd sqlite3 mddb $zFilename } else { seek $fd 0 sqlite3 mddb :memory: mddb eval [read $fd] close $fd } wm title . $zFilename } mddb function lrange -argcount 3 lrange mddb function llength -argcount 1 llength mddb function trim_frames -argcount 1 trim_frames mddb eval { SELECT frame FROM frame WHERE line LIKE '%malloc.c:%' OR line LIKE '%mem2.c:%' } { set ::O(ignore.$frame) 1 } } open_database bind $O(tree) <> [list populate_text_widget mddb] populate_tree_widget mddb [mddb one {SELECT zTest FROM malloc LIMIT 1}]